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The Beautiful Achiever Planner was created by Dr. Sha’Juan Kennedy DHA, LPC, RYT. She is a real estate investor, licensed mental health therapist and administrator. She has been successful throughout her career by simply utilizing a planner daily. The Beautiful Achiever Planner has space to create goals and develop the steps to achieve them. The daily and weekly planner is undated so you’re able to start when you please without wasted pages. The days have times that allow you to incorporate the small steps to accomplish your goals. In addition to goal setting, there is space to reflect on gratitude. Included: Events and contacts. Goal setting with small steps and due date. Weekly planning with daily with personal goals, health goals, shopping list, people to see, and daily focus. Daily planning with military time, self-care and exercise reminders, don’t forget section, gratitude list, personal and work goals,

Notes inspiration and ideas ——————————

The Beautiful Achiever planner is durable with gold spiral bound and gold corners with tabs and 1 pocket inside.

Pink Beautiful Achiever Planner

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